Processing machines and weighing systems for the
agricultural sector.
Harvesting | Washing | Drying | Cutting | Weighing | Sorting | Bundling | Labeling | Packaging | Cooling
VegHands focuses on providing innovative and cost-saving solutions for the agricultural industry. VegHands works together with a broad group of international suppliers and is constantly looking for innovations. VegHands develops & produces more and more products under its own direction: "Developed by users, for users".
Simplicity, reliability and affordability are paramount.
Simplicity, reliability and affordability are paramount.
VegHands strives for:
Reduce your labor costs and increase your labor productivity
Improve your product quality, shelf life and product presentation
Deliver reliable systems, supported with perfect support
Assortiment VegHands

Harvesting solutions:
Within our program we have compact harvesters, harvesting belts and complete harvesters. The compact harvesters consist of EazyCut harvesters and the VegTerra open field harvester. VegBeet harvesting belts have been the handy solution for years to harvest full field without a big investment. VegHarv harvesters are the big boys in our program. These can be fully implemented according to your wishes and crops.

Bundling and labelling machines:
VegKing bundling and labelling lines are economical processing lines for vegetables and herbs. The stainless steel body is very easy to clean and guarantees a long service life. Bundling is done with a Cyklop Axro tying machine. The VegKing tying line can also be equipped with an automatic labelling system and/or a saw. In its basic configuration, the VegKing ties between 2,000-3,000 bundles per hour.

Weighing and sorting systems
VegSmart weighing / sorting systems include checkweighers, linear weighers and multihead weighers at considerably lower priced than our competitors. Thanks to the broad program, every wish of the customer can be realized. Every machine is built of high quality materials and intensively tested / documented before delivery. They are also modular and there is a good parts inventory.

Packaging machines:
VegPack packaging solutions consist of horizontal and vertical flowpack machines. These flow packers are suitable for various films, including shrink films. This allows iceberg lettuce, cabbage, and cucumbers to be packaged quickly (vacuum). The loose products such as spinach can be processed very nicely in the vertical packager. The machines are characterized by their simplicity and ease of maintenance.

Washing, drying and cutting machines:
VegLead washing, drying and cutting machines are simple in design and therefore very affordable. The washing of various crops is done with water pressure and air bubbles. The drying is done by means of rotate in a basket. This makes it easy to change and quickly executable. Combination washing / drying machines can be built to your liking. The cutting machines have stainless steel SUBO blades for a long service life.

Vacuum Cooling:
Vacuum cooling leafy vegetables, fine herbs, delicate products, mushrooms, bean sprouts, bimi and soft fruit
Weber Cooling is the largest supplier for affordable vacuum cooling solutions. By quickly cooling back as quickly as possible after harvesting and processing, the quality of your product is guaranteed and the shelf life will increase.
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VegHands by PackTTI
VegHands is a trade name of Pack TTI, an international organization focused on supplying mechanization solutions for agriculture and horticulture (agriculture - horticulture - floriculture). Together with our sister company Weber Cooling, we can cool your fresh products very quickly through vacuum cooling, this means that the quality is maintained and the shelf life of the product is extended.